Thursday, April 19, 2007


Lynn suggested this one:

Where Willy Went...
by Nicholas Allan. It is, as the cover notes, "the big story of a little sperm".

Now, don't get me wrong. I have no problem with teaching youngsters about the facts of life. (You see, you take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have... wait a minute. Since when do "bad" and "have" rhyme?) The contents are the book are pretty inoffensive and does a decent if simplistic job of explaining the facts to the sprogs. But...

Where Willy went? Where Willy went?! Is that a wise name to be using in this context? I know they were going for alliteration but, come on!

And the poor girl born in our tale, saddled with the name... Edna. I can only presume this name was chosen because of the 99.9% likelyhood that it wouldn't match the name of any young girl reading the book. The name only reminds me of that old recurring sketch on "SCTV", Ted and Edna Boil's Organ Emporium". "Isn't that right, Tex?" "That's right, Edna!"

But the icing on the cake... oh, dear god, I hope that's icing... the icing on the cake is the dedication (which does not appear until the end of the book). "To Rod Stewart." The hell?! Rod Stewart?! Rod "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" Stewart? Where did that come from? I... I... ... I got nothin'. That's just too bizarre for me to come up with a witty comment...


Lesley Livingston said...

Well, I'll tell you what I got on this one...


That's what I got.

(also? my word verification on this post was "sqggms"... hmm...)

Lynn said...

Actually is was co-worker Tom who brought this to my attention. As so as I saw it I thought, Doug's disturbing library finds!